German Shepherds and Ear Flop: What You Need to Know
Did you know that German Shepherds are prone to ear flop? This is a prevalent problem in the breed. If not addressed appropriately, it can lead to a variety of issues. This blog post will discuss what causes ear flop in German Shepherds and how you can prevent it from happening. We will also cover the symptoms of ear flop and how you can treat it if your dog experiences it.
When Do the Ears of a German Shepherd Stand Up?
In German Shepherd puppies, ears flopping down is completely normal.
German Shepherds’ ears stand up when they are about 20 weeks old. When infants end teething, and the cartilage and muscles that support their ears become stronger, this happens.
Why Do My Puppy’s Ears Flop After 5 Months?
It’s okay if your German Shepherd’s ears don’t stand up at this time.
Some puppies ‘ ears flop over for up to 8 or 9 months. At 9 months, a German Shepherd puppy with floppy ears is not caused for concern.
When you see their adorable floppy ears, you’ll be overjoyed!
Particularly if one ear is raised and the other is lowered. That is considered adorable by most owners.
Some puppies’ ears stand up right away, while other puppies’ ears may take a little longer to stand up. And, some puppies’ ears never stand up at all.
Research shows that about 1 in 5 German Shepherds will have floppy ears at some point in their lives.
Is It Important if Your German Shepherd’s Ears Never Stand Up on Their Own?
Some dogs never have their ears stand up, even after they have finished teething.
Some people think it’s unhealthy for dogs to have one ear flopped over, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, many people believe that this gives dogs a fun personality.
This isn’t a problem most of the time. If you’re worried, you can take your dog to the vet and have them do a complete exam. This will reassure you that there are no hidden problems.
In general, there’s nothing to be concerned about, and your GSD is still in good health.
Why Do German Shepherd Ears Take So Long to Stand Up?
Standing ears take time to form.
A German Shepherd puppy needs to grow the muscles and cartilage in its ears to stand up. These muscles and cartilage must be properly developed to stay upright for the ears.
Young puppies’ bodies are not strong enough to keep their ears upright.
You might have noticed that your German shepherd puppy’s ears stand up when they hear an interesting noise.
But after a while, their ears will go down again. All of this is a normal aspect of their ear development.
Puppy Ear Development
As puppies move their ears up and down, the cartilage and muscles grow stronger until the ears can stand upright on their own. Moving your dog’s ears helps the muscles and cartilage strengthen over time.
Your dog’s ears will not stand up on their own overnight.
Over time, the cartilage will develop, and the ears will eventually become erect. Don’t worry if this does not occur until your German Shepherd is older.
Even at 9 months, their ears might still need a bit more time or help to stand erect.
If you notice that your GSD’s ears are not moving at all, even on a rare occasion, take them to your veterinarian for a check-up right away.
Why Do My German Shepherd’s Ears Flop?
Several factors contribute to your dog’s upright ears.
German Shepherds with floppy ears can sometimes be a bit of a mystery. People might wonder why they look that way. But there’s no need to worry – we’re going to take a closer look at what might cause floppy ears in German Shepherds and what the possible implications are.
Your dog’s ears are raised for a variety of reasons.
You may be able to help your dog’s ears stay up, or they may fall down regardless. There is no way to completely guarantee how their ears will turn out.
Your GSD’s ears may never rise up for several reasons.
- Genetics
- Breeding
- Physical Damage or Accidents
- Improper and Poor Nutrition
- Neglecting Ear Cleaning
You can help prevent some of these things while others are out of your control.
Your dog’s genes affect their physical appearance, including those cute floppy ears.
If your GSD has genes for floppy ears, then they will probably have floppy ears.
This means that their ears may never stand up, and they will have floppy ears for life.
Some breeders choose to pair parents who both have large, erect ears because they think this looks better. Some buyers and owners also prefer this style of ears for show or aesthetic purposes.
But, some people think that if you breed a German Shepherd with bigger and bigger ears, the puppies might have ears that stay floppy.
When buying a puppy from a breeder, always see the puppy’s parents. This will give you an idea of what the puppy will look like when it grows up.
Physical Damage or Accidents
Puppies are active and like to play. They can get into any trouble, including causing physical damage or accidents that affect their ears.
If this happens, their ears may be permanently damaged and unable to stand up independently.
How to Keep Their Ears Safe
You should only gently touch a puppy’s ears. This is why their bodies are still developing, and if you are not careful, they may be damaged.
To keep their ears safe, don’t:
- tug
- pull
- or twist their ears
Your dog’s ears may be damaged if they play rough with other dogs. Make sure to keep an eye out for this, so they don’t damage themselves.
If your dog’s ears have been hurt in an accident, take them to the vet right once.
Improper and Poor Nutrition
German Shepherds need balanced nutrition during their growing stages. This includes vitamins and minerals that help with cartilage and muscle development in their ears.
If you want your dog to have good ear development, you need to ensure that they get the right nutrition. This means feeding them the right kinds of food and ensuring they get enough vitamins and minerals.
Calcium is essential for bone and tooth health. It also helps the cartilage in your ears grow strong, which is important for keeping them healthy later in life.
Neglecting Ear Cleaning
Puppies need their ears cleaned when there is a lot of dirt and build-up. If you don’t clean their ears, the dirt will stop the proper growth of the puppy’s ears and can cause them discomfort. This will make the puppy scratch their ears a lot, damaging them.
Never clean your dog’s ear canal with anything other than water! This could end up hurting them much more!
Instead, use a warm, damp washcloth to remove the debris off the ear’s flesh. Ear cleansing wipes are also available.
Which Ear Is Upright on My German Shepherd?
It is typical for a dog to have one floppy ear and one upright ear.
Sometimes, German Shepherds have one floppy ear and one standing upright. If they are a small puppy, they are most likely growing, and the one ear down still needs time to go up.
Remember, if your dog has one floppy ear and one ear that stands up, it might mean that their cartilage or muscle strength hasn’t developed enough.
There are some ways to help your German Shepherd’s floppy ears stand up. You don’t have to wait for them to grow that way on their own.
Fix Floppy Ears on a German Shepherd
A German Shepherd with floppy ears should stand up by the time they are 5 months old. If they do not stand up on their own, you can use the following ways to help them.
These are some of the strategies that can assist them in raising their ears.
Reposition a German Shepherd’s Floppy-Ears
To tape your German Shepherd’s floppy ears, you just need a few materials.
- Foam rollers (with the plastic portion removed from a woman’s curling set)
- Self-adhering waterproof dog wrap
- Clean popsicle sticks
Do not use regular tapes around your house because they will rip your dog’s skin. It is better to use self-adhering waterproof dog wrap to avoid injuring your puppy.
To assist in prop your puppy’s floppy ears upright, follow these steps.
1. To use the Foam Roller, gently place it inside the dog’s ear
Take the plastic clip off the foam roller. Gently place the foam roller against your dog’s ear.
Don’t push the roller all the way into your ear! You only need to put it in enough to help the cartilage grow.
Check their ears for creases or folds before moving on to the next stage. An important benefit of knowing this is that it can help you make better choices about your health. Repeat in the other ear.
2. Make a Popsicle Support
Now, put the popsicle sticks on the top of the foam rollers (both ears should have foam rollers at this point).
You might need some help with this, so ask your family or friends to help out.
Place a medium-sized piece of self-adhering waterproof tape across and around the two foam rollers. You’re constructing a link between your dog’s two ears to keep them connected. This ensures even and symmetrical growth.
Never put the stick in your dog’s ears if you want to give them a popsicle! It can injure them. Instead, make a bridge out of the stick to go over their ears.
3. Remove and Inspect Their Ears Weekly
Pick a day of the week when you will remove and inspect your dog’s ears. Take off the wrapping and foam rollers so you can see if your dog’s ears stand on their own naturally.
If you see any problems with the tape, such as soreness, don’t keep applying it.
If your GSD’s ears flop over, you can wrap them the same way for a bit longer. If they stand on their own, you do not need to tape their ears anymore.
Remember to examine and change the tape once a week to evaluate how your dog’s ears are doing.
4. When to Stop Taping Their Ears
By 9 months old, your German Shepherd’s ears should be standing up on their own. You don’t need to use tape or other methods to help them stand up.
Consult a veterinarian if your German Shepherd puppy’s ears are still flopped over at 9 months old.
This means that your dog’s ear might stay floppy and fold over. This is not a problem, and you do not need to worry about it.
How Is Bad Taping A German Shepherd’s Ears?
It is not bad if you use the right tape to stand up your German Shepherd’s ears.
Suppose you injure their ears because you’ve taped them improperly or inserted anything too far into their ear canal. In that case, this is not healthy and is bad for them.
If you are unsure how to clean your pet’s ears, get your vet to show you how.
Your puppy might not like the tape on their ears. You will need to be close by and watch them carefully. You might also need to distract them during the taping process.
Can A German Shepherd Get Surgical Ear Implants?
You should avoid getting ear implants for your German Shepherd if you can help it.
German Shepherds with floppy ears are just as good as those with upright ears. Surgery to make their ears stand up can be painful, so it’s best not to do it if you don’t have to.
Consult your veterinarian about the pain and adverse effects of ear implants.
How To Prop Up Your German Shepherd’s Ears
Here are the steps to getting your German Shepherd’s ears to stand up.
You can help keep your dog’s ears from flopping by taking the necessary steps to keep their ears healthy.
The following are some of the best techniques to help a GSD with droopy ears:
1. Feed them a high-quality food
It’s critical to provide your dog with the proper nourishment, especially when they’re puppies and growing quickly.
You should choose a puppy food that has the right ratio of nutrients and vitamins so they can get the correct building blocks for development.
Choose from this list of the finest healthy dog treats for German Shepherd pups when giving your dog treats.
2. Make sure they have the right chew toys
Chewing helps to strengthen the muscles around your ears.
Puppies like to chew on things, so giving them appropriate chew toys is important. This will help them stop chewing on inappropriate things and prevent bad behaviors from developing.
Choose a durable and right-sized chew toy for your German Shepherd that is age and chewing habit appropriate for your dog.
3. Play with them and discipline them properly
If you ever physically hurt your German Shepherd, you will ruin your relationship with them.
German Shepherds can be a lot of fun. Still, it’s important to learn how to play with them and discipline them the right way to avoid accidental ear injuries or damage.
Floppy Ears in German Shepherds: What to Remember
German Shepherds with floppy ears might worry you, but they are generally harmless. In fact, they can even make for many adorable moments and pictures.
Remember these ear tips regarding floppy ears that don’t stand up on their own:
- The ears of German Shepherd puppies will stand up at 5 months of age, but some puppies may take up to 8 or 9 months.
- It’s normal if your dog’s ears don’t both stand up. Some dogs have one ear up and one ear down.
- There are a few things that might cause floppy ears in dogs. Genetics can play a role, as can breeder’s choices. Poor nutrition and accidental damage are also potential causes.
- You can help your German Shepherd’s floppy ears by ensuring they have good nutrition, strong chewing toys to build up the muscles, and taping them upright.
German Shepherds with floppy ears are a joy to own, no matter their age!
German Shepherds with floppy ears are just as adorable as those without. You’ll love your dog just as much, no matter what their ears look like.
If you’re a loving owner, you’ll enjoy this post on how to make your German Shepherd happy. It has easy tips that will put a smile on your German Shepherd’s face!
Go on, and discover what makes your dog the happiest dog in the world!
Frequently Asked Questions About German Shepherd Ear Flop
Many GSD pups have ears that tilt and flop around as they get stronger and learn to stand independently. This is normal. German Shepherd ears may take all kinds of shapes (one up, one down; one this way, one that way) until they finally come up. Do not worry if this happens – it is normal.
German Shepherds can have floppy ears when they are puppies. They will start to change and stand up into their adult position at different times. It can take a few months. But, usually, about one in five adult German Shepherds have floppy ears.
Because of malnutrition, conflict, illness, fungal ear infections like Malassezia, parasites, or other factors. Bite wounds: when dogs fight, it is not uncommon for their ears to be injured. Since they are vulnerable and accessible areas.
German Shepherd puppy ears can come up at different times. They aren’t up when the dog has finished teething (this varies from dog to dog, but usually between 16 weeks and 20 weeks old). I tell my customers to start paying attention to their ears.
It is normal if your dog’s ears don’t both stand up. This is because of something called genetics. Another cause can be the choices of the breeder. Nutrition can also play a role, especially if it is poor. And finally, accidental damage can cause this too.
While teething, many German Shepherds’ ears do not stand up. So, don’t be alarmed if their ears haven’t perked up just yet. When teething, it’s not uncommon for a baby’s ears to rise and then fall. Wait till the pain of teething subsides.
There are a few ways to tell if your puppy will be a good jumper. One way is to call their name or make a sound that gets their attention. If their ears perk up and they try to stand, this is usually a good sign. Another way to tell is by looking at where the ears are placed on the head.
The classic color for a German Shepherd is sable. This means the dog has a variety of colors, but each hair has a black tip. Sable German Shepherds can be black, gray, red, silver, or tan. They are also called agouti because this is also a type of coloring present in other dogs.
If your dog has erect ears, they listen carefully and are alert. If your dog’s ears are pinned back, it means that they are scared or intimidated. This indicates that your pet is cautiously curious, with one ear up and the other ear down.
As well as expressing different emotions, dogs move their ears to improve hearing and hearing ability. They position their ears can tell you how they feel, such as curious, happy, afraid, or sick.
The auricle or pinna might be seen as the outer ear’s most conspicuous feature. Sound waves are collected and sent to the ear canal via this device, amplified.
Puppy ears usually stand up between 4-7 months old. This happens after the adult teeth come in. Puppy ears might go up and down during the teething process.